
2018.12.27 System Upgrade – Adding More Free Preset Listing Template Designs

By | December 28th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

The design layout of listing will truely affect the sales volume. After the release of some free listing templates for users' usage in the mid of 2018, we received many feedback for more resource in this aspect. In response to the requests, SoldEazy has added 21 new free preset designs for 10 industries' [...]

SoldEazy eCommerce Fundamental Training Seminar 09 Jan 2018 (Wed) 7pm to 9pm (Free Event, Apply Now!)

By | December 12th, 2018|Categories: Front-Page Boxes, Uncategorized|

SoldEazy eCommerce Fundamental Training Seminar 09 Jan 2019 (Wed) 7pm to 9pm │ (Free Event, Apply Now!) Many sellers/ friends working on sellings in fact have many good products. The biggest challenge for them is most likely – “How to get enough deals?” Do you know how successul sellers boost [...]

Joint Effort of SoldEazy & GS1 in response to eBay GTIN Policy

By | January 23rd, 2018|Categories: Front-Page Boxes, Front-Page Boxes, Uncategorized|

Starting from mid-year of 2017, missing or having invalid Global Trade Item Number (GTIN, the unique product identifier) will affect the traffic and exposure of listings. For the worst case, it might result in removal of listings. And from early 2018 onwards, eBay goes further for the GTIN specification. Sellers are required to fill in [...]